Friday, July 1, 2011

Radio Manilow!

I absolutely love Radio Manilow!  It is wonderful hearing a variety of Barry's songs, and the other songs he plays are great, too.  I also enjoy listening to Barry tell the stories about the artists and songs.  Please check out Radio Manilow!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Barry Manilow's 15 MINUTES Debuts at #7 on the Billboard Top 200 and #2 on Independent Chart

Manilow's First Original Album in 10 Years

LOS ANGELES, June 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- GRAMMY®, Tony®, and Emmy® Award-winning recording artist Barry Manilowtoday celebrates the chart success of his new original album 15 MINUTES which entered the Billboard Top 200 at #7. 15 MINUTES is Manilow's 37th charting album, and his 6th Top 10 debut in the last 10 years. The album's single "Bring On Tomorrow" has entered the Top 40 chart making it Manilow's 47th Top 40 hit and is enjoying extensive radio play.
Billboard professes "In a pop culture landscape dominated by Twitter, an unrelenting gossip news cycle and TMZ cameras, '15 MINUTES' feels right on time," and "is striking." The New Yorker states that Manilow's "indisputable pop talents" are on full display. The Daily News singles out "'Work the Room,' 'He's a Star' and 'Trainwreck'" as "excellent pop songs."
"Barry made an incredible album with vocals as great as ever. The debut today is evidence that great music does well and will continue to do well for a long time to come.  Fontana is very proud for the opportunity to work with him and his outstanding staff," stated Ron Spaulding, President of Fontana.
Manilow debuted material from his new album during a special QVC® Presents Q Sessions Live broadcast on Thursday, May 26th at 8 PM (ET), followed by a Memorial Day Weekend Manilow Special on SIRIUS/XM.  Also, in advance of release week, Manilow performed on The Joy Behar Show, CBS The Talk, Tavis Smiley, Extra, and Lopez Tonight. Release week, he appeared on The Gayle King Show, CNN Showbiz Tonight and performed his new single "Bring On Tomorrow" on Good Morning America.
Inspired by the Andy Warhol quote that "In the future, everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes," this exciting guitar-driven pop album explores the perils and pinnacles of fame's double-edged sword. 15 MINUTES, produced by Manilow and Michael Lloyd is a captivating tale of someone who achieves fame, blows it and begins again. 15 MINUTES was released by STILETTO Entertainment and distributed by Fontana in association with the Universal Music Group as part of a multi-product partnership.
With worldwide record sales exceeding 80 million, Barry Manilow is ranked as the top Adult Contemporary chart artist of all time, according to R&R (Radio & Records); with no less than 25 consecutive top 40 hits to his credit between 1975 and 1983, on the Billboard Hot 100. Manilow has worked on over 40 albums over the course of his career as a singer, songwriter, arranger and producer.

15 Minutes Shines!

15 Minutes Shines!

It is a rare and special treat when a musical legend like Barry Manilow releases an album of all original material. Barry's millions of fans have been waiting for original material, and finally 15 Minutes is here! Of course, the 15 Minutes concept was inspired by Andy Warhol's iconic statement that "In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." In addition, the very appropriate tag line for 15 Minutes is "Fame...Can You Take It?" Barry's long tenure with Arista and Clive Davis has ended, and 15 Minutes is released on his own label (Stiletto Entertainment.) Now having the artistic and creative freedom to make a gem of an album like 15 Minutes, each song is an important part of telling the story of a young man who seeks fame, gets it, loses it, and then wants to get it back again. There is no doubt 15 Minutes is definitely guitar and acoustic driven, however, the songs do range from more traditional sounding ballad most often associated with Barry Manilow like "Bring On Tomorrow" to rock/guitar driven songs like "Work The Room" and "Now It's For Real." One of the things that makes this album so amazing and brilliant is how all these songs blend and work together. This is definitely a different sounding Barry Manilow, which shows how versatile his musical talent is, and that he can do pop, rock, jazz, swing, Broadway show tunes, Big Bands, Sinatra, etc., and do them all very well indeed. The ups and downs of fame are also addressed in 15 Minutes with songs like "Winner Go Down." "He's A Star" (which was originally recorded as "She's A Star" from Barry's "Tryin' To Get The Feeling" album) works perfectly on 15 Minutes with a new arrangement that gives it more muscle for a male singer. There is also "Letter From A Fan/So Heavy, So High," with a great performance by Nataly Dawn of "Pomplamoose." "Letter from A Fan" starts out innocent and becomes haunting, and the best description of this song is that it is really about a fan in general, who goes too far, and becomes (for the lack of a better term) obsessed with the singer. Barry's fabulous performance of "So Heavy, So High" is infused with "Letter From A Fan" and tells the artist's point of view about such fans. Other favorites are "Wine Song", "Slept Through The End Of The World" and "Trainwreck." From beginning to end, 15 Minutes is a pleasure to listen to, and you may want to get up and dance to "Everything's Gonna Be All Right." with it's infectious disco-inspired beat. In conclusion, Barry's voice has never sounded better, and I believe 15 Minutes proves why he is such a powerful musical force. Yes, he really does write the songs the whole world sing because Barry is not just a singer. He is a singer, composer, arranger, producer, recording artist and concert entertainer extraordinaire! Barry and his team of incredibly talented people have created a musical work of art, and I strongly believe 15 Minutes is definitely a Grammy contender! I highly recommend you listen to 15 Minutes yourself, and go on an amazing musical journey with Barry through all the ups and downs of fame.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Music Man

Music Man
By Laurie Wheeler

Sweet music man I hope you know
You don’t just have a gift for making music
You have a gift for lifting hearts and raising spirits
Your beautiful music is the soundtrack of my life and the lives of all your friends around the world

Through all life’s ups and downs, your music has always been there
Giving us so much hope, joy and inspiration
I hope you realize how many lives and hearts you have touched all around the world
Yes, you really do write the songs that make the whole world sing because you aren’t just a singer
You are a singer, composer, arranger, producer, recording artist and concert entertainer extraordinaire!

You put your heart and soul into every word and every note
How can we begin to thank you for all the music and all the years?
How can we begin to tell you how much you and the music means to us?
Hans Christian Andersen said “Where words fail, music speaks” and that, my friend, says it all…Forever and a day!

Happy Birthday to a sweet, kind, generous, talented and gorgeous man we all know and love as the one and only Barry Manilow!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Fiftieth Birthday Wish!

My Fiftieth Birthday Wish!
By Laurie Wheeler
When I began thinking about celebrating my upcoming 50th Birthday, it didn’t take long to start thinking about taking a trip to see the one and only Barry Manilow. I have been one of his biggest fans ever since “Mandy,” and I have been a member of the BMIFC (Barry Manilow International Fan Club) since 1978. I also attended my first Manilow concert in “the summer of ‘78.” Therefore, when I first heard the announcement about Barry’s new show at Paris Las Vegas in late 2009, I began contemplating celebrating my 50th Birthday in Vegas style. That was my simple Birthday wish, to see Barry’s new show at Paris Las Vegas. Yes, I am disabled, and there are many physical, emotional and financial challenges involved with that.  Nevertheless, I thought  maybe I would be able to make something special happen for my 50th Birthday.

Little did I know that just a few months later, that simple wish would be sent into a tailspin! I would quickly find out that even though Barry is indeed headlining at Paris Las Vegas he would be in London (performing at the 02 Arena) in early May 2011.  In fact, the shows scheduled for the 02 are scheduled right before my 50th Birthday.  However, a fourth show was recently added to Barry’s schedule at the 02 in London for Saturday, May 7th. I couldn’t believe it!  My favorite musician in the whole world is doing a concert with a full orchestra on my 50th Birthday in London, and I cannot be there!  Honestly, right now I just feel like I have been sucker-punched, and I just do not understand why this happens to anyone who loves and appreciates Barry and his music so very much!  I just makes no sense.   Oh, I know the old saying that “life isn’t fair” and all, and my life has certainly had its share of ups and downs.  This, however, is the most disappointing and frustrating experience I have had in the 35+ years that I have been a Manilow fan.  Another thing fueling all my disappointment and frustration is the fact that it has been too long since I have seen Barry!  The last time I attended one of his shows was September 2007, and missing Barry is definitely a contributing factor to the intensity of all my emotions about this situation.  I also have all these questions that keep going through my head. Why is this happening now when all I wanted was to see Barry in concert on or around my 50th Birthday?  I have always been such a loyal, dedicated and devoted fan, and if it were just another Birthday perhaps it would be easier to deal with.  Now, nine months before my 50th Birthday, I am already frustrated and disappointed, and I am afraid my simple Birthday wish has been crushed because of circumstances beyond my control.  Of course, if circumstances change in my favor in the coming months and/or I get to see Barry in concert at some point in 2011 perhaps I will feel differently. That being said, I will never be able to forget Barry did a show on my 50th Birthday, and that I could not be there.  At this point, I just feel emotionally drained and left with nothing but unanswered questions. Will I get to see Barry’s new show at Paris Las Vegas at some point? Will he do an arena show in 2011 that I can get to?  Of course, time will tell when and how these questions will be answered. In the meantime, I just have to trust that it is in God’s hands, and I will see Barry again somewhere down the road!  I also like to remember the words to the song “We’ll Meet Again.”  “We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when.  But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.”  Until that day comes, I am missing Barry tremendously, and I cannot wait to see him again!

Platinums and Multiplatinums

By Laurie Wheeler
I’m writing this because I have some thoughts on the Platinum Package/Experience that I need to get off my chest. First of all, if you have done a Platinum Package once, congratulations! However, I think that doing a Platinum more than once is just plain scary. I don’t understand why anyone would want to do this, and I’m sure it scares Barry, too! In fact, I agree with others who have told me if they had a million dollars they would not do a Platinum more than once. It is meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience to put in your memory box and enjoy the memories for the rest of your life. Please read Lynda (Brazier’s) blog post on being the Last Platinum Girl at the Hilton in November 2009 on the UK Message Board. Here is the link:
I also have mixed feelings about the Platinum Experience in general because in my opinion far too many cannot afford it, and it is not something the majority of fans can afford. I also believe it sends a negative message to those fans who haven’t met Barry who cannot afford “The Platinum Experience.” It also seems contradictory to me that this musical genius from Brooklyn, New York who has so many times told his fans “Don’t give up on your dreams” to do something that can inadvertently crush the dream of meeting him for those who cannot afford the Platinum Package. I know the whole idea of the Platinum Experience/Package is supposedly justified because the money goes to the Manilow Fund, or more specifically the Manilow Music Project. Unfortunately, it is not enough in my opinion. Please don’t get me wrong, I totally understand how important Barry’s humanitarian efforts are to him. However, I think the “Gift of Love” concerts that Barry did in December 2009 are a much better way of raising money for the Manilow Fund without crushing the dream of meeting Barry for those who cannot afford the Platinum. Thus, the residual affect is that the "have nots" feel Barry is NOT accessible to them. We all know those "Gift of Love" concerts at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, California and the Rosemont Theatre in Chicago were very successful, and in my opinion represent charity fundraising at its best!
Most importantly, I have always felt that Barry has the most loyal, devoted and dedicated fans in the world, and the most amazing international fan base of any artist I know! That being the case, the bottom line in my opinion is that the love, support, loyalty, dedication and devotion we have given Barry for 35+ years should count for more than how much money we have in our bank accounts. However, with the Platinum Experience there is no middle ground, and ditto for being able to go to Vegas and see his new show at Paris Las Vegas. You either can afford it or you can’t. Those that can afford it have an amazing experience and those who cannot are left feeling frustrated and disappointed and missing Barry so very much!
In conclusion, I believe ALL of Barry’s fans deserve to be and feel appreciated and respected, and we should all feel like we are important part of Barry’s fan base. I also want to make it crystal clear that I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that I have had to meet Barry, attend BMIFC conventions, and all the wonderful Barry-related experiences I have had over the years. The memories of those experiences are precious, and will be close to my heart forever and a day! I’m speaking out about this because I know others have not been as fortunate, and not to benefit myself. If I have to be the champion of the underdog fans or “The Other 99” who cannot afford a Platinum Package and/or to go to Vegas at this time so be it! You can agree or disagree with me, but someone needs to make Barry and his management aware of what “The Other 99” are going through, especially during these tough economic times. In addition, I sincerely hope that everyone who reads this can appreciate that I am just saying how I feel about this issue and speaking from the heart!